Wednesday, March 23, 2011


We had an activity for the girls tonight and they ALL (including teachers) had a great time!!
We made Conference journals so they can take notes while listening to General Conference in a week or so!
They were each given a .99cent composition journal and an envelope containing colored pictures of the 1st presidency and the Apostles with their name attached.

I've got some girls who love to have their picture taken! Hence Chelsee! lol

They started off by decorating the front and back of the journal any way they chose with scrapbook paper, buttons, ribbon etc.....

It was fun to watch the creative minds at work . They all came up with very different ideas! We were amazed!!

Ashlee trying to look suave and sophisticated! Courtney laughing at her and really trying to avoid my camera! lol

They pretty well cleaned me out of my buttons!! lol Will need to get more!

Megan was really proud of hers! Love the kiss!

Katie showed me hers (backwards

Lindsey and hers!

McKinzie and hers ........ All so different!!

Then I got ALL of them to pose and show off their project!!

I couldn't get them all in so I had to shoot several shots to make sure I got them all!
It was a fun evening and we will be able to pass off a value IF they will use them this next General Conference!! THAT WAS THE WHOLE POINT OF THE ACTIVITY! lol

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