Thursday, September 13, 2012

ZUMBA Melissa!!!!!

We combined with the Spanish Branch (accidentally) for Young Women's and we did ZUMBA!! Melissa came for the 4th ward and Shannon for the Spanish Branch!
They took turns instructing and did a few numbers together!
It was a total blast!!
YES, the boys joined us and they had a great time too!
The girls were movers and shakers and it was awesome!!
So much fun to watch them having SO MUCH FUN!!
Brother Cox even joined in and then went and called his wife to come join the fun!  AND SHE DID  !!
The girls did great!
Hard to keep up with Melissa! She was GREAT!
The little girls came with their mothers and they had a blast too! It was so cute to watch them!!
Like I said.... the boys had a blast too!
Shannon and Melissa!
The instructors were SO good!!
Look at those adorable little girls!!
And check out the smile on Hyrums face!  He was lovin this!!
Kids were sweatin up a storm at this point!  Some dropped out BUT for the most part they hung in there till the bitter end!! It was a GREAT ACTIVITY!  One we'll definitely do again!!

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