Thursday, September 6, 2012


Tonight for Young Women's, we met at the Stake house for the Fall Social!!  The kids were involved in "Water Olympics" as well as some kick ball and soccer. This is Sister Everton getting them started on "Water Volleyball" .....

Hiram and Demetrie Butterfield from our ward !

 McKenzie Stucki, one of our Mia Maids!!

Courtney Preece, getting ready to play  "TUG OF WAR" where the looser gets pulled into a pool of water!!

This was a FUN GAME!!

This is the little Stoddard boy who was in Primary in our ward and then the wards split and his family moved to 12th ward! I couldn't believe he was in Young Men's now!!

Kallie Butterfield, the Laurel's pretty 1st counselor!!

Lindsey Edge, giving it her all!!

But she got pulled in ....I love Kallies reaction!!

Don't know who this young man was but he got it good!  Notice the kid with the bucket of water making sure the 1st in line isn't the only one to get wet!  lol

Brother Webb enjoying the games!

Awhhhhhhh, going down!!

The girls won this round!!! AGAINST THE BOYS NO LESS!!

Kallie cracks me up!  This picture looks like shes saying "HEY GIRL!!!! "

Looks like this gal got it good!

Samantha and her friend giving me the thumbs up while playing kickball!

Derek Cook giving me the peace sign as he hijacks a water balloon to throw at President Blacker!

Quade Edge playing Kick ball!

Quade running to base!!

Is that a Pat on the back for a job well done!!  LOL

This game gets a "thumbs up" from Quade!!

Samantha and Caroline! YAY!!

Samantha with a cheese smile and Caroline !  Pretty girls!!

Jackson soaking wet!!

If your not going in .....I'll make sure you go in!!  lol

Jackson made sure he got WETTER!!!

We won ...and don't you forget it!!!

Ashlee gettin in on the action!!


McKenzie still smiling after getting pulled in!!

And going back for more!!!

Still smiling and Breanna backing her up!!

The girls getting a little extra help from Brother Lukengia.

Chelsee with her typical happy go lucky smile!!

Breanna Edge with Mckenzie backing her up this time!!

Megan Breshears (use to be in our ward)  and is now in 12th!  Miss her!

Hendricks!  Such a cute boy!!

Courtney and Sister Raass!  Enjoying the games!!

Breanna ...... your so cute!!

Brother Brian (in orange) helped out with a bucket of water .... sometime filling the pool, sometimes throwing it on kids!  lol  It was a fun evening and the youth had a great time!!


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