Thursday, July 12, 2012


The Laurel class went to the FHC while the Mia Maids did a bike ride in 100 degree weather and the Beehives made quilts for the Humanitarian project. Ashley, Irie and Jessica smiled for the camera but Kallie was serious about her ancestors so I didn't get her attention for this one!

And again she was taking this class to heart!!  I got the other pretty Laurels to pose!

Irie and her cousin? Not sure but he came over with Mavie (Irie's sister) to give Irie her password.

Joyce Haverfield helped us and Mandy wasn't too happy about being photographed!  lol

Irie and Jessica. I believe Jessica is another cousin of Iries.

Ashlee and Kallie.  Kallie got sunburned earlier in the day so she was beaming.

Mandy was hiding behind a telephone.  lol

Say chee Ashlee!

Pretty girls!  All of them!~

Now that a BIG cheese!  It was a fun evening and the girls did a little indexing as well as looking up some relatives in family search.

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