Monday, June 18, 2012

POPcorn balls for Father's Day!

The Young Women met on Saturday at Brandi Raass's home to make popcorn balls for the Father's in our ward!
Lindsey and Samantha prepare the caramel syrup. Slaving over a hot stove!!
Brandi giving some instructions on the assembly process!
Irie and Breanne getting some of the girls organized for the assembly process.
Breanne, Samantha, Lindsey and Paloma with a thumbs up !
Things are looking gooooood!
While the girls were making the popcorn balls, Sister Hendricks was putting together 3 wreaths for camp! They turned out BEAUTIFUL!  They so go with the  Island theme !
Courtney, Lauren and  ? and Kim help Sister Hendricks by opening up the little umbrellas. It was a fun activity for the girls and successful on two counts. FATHER'S DAY AND CAMP! The girls got to swim in Sister Raass's pool when the work was done!  FUN ACTIVITY!

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