NEW BEGINNING'S for 2012. We had a nice turn out. The new girls coming in did not show up, which was disappointing. One lives out in Middleton but comes to church on Sundays with her grand parents and the other is completely inactive. Otherwise, it was a nice evening.
I put Sister Lauren Owens in charge and she did a fabulous job. I found a skit on line concerning the YOUNG WOMEN VALUE'S and the girls painted the backdrop for the skit.

"ARISE AND SHINE FORTH" She had a video presentation introducing the theme and then she had assigned the Presidency to speak. Kim spoke about the Sunflower and tied it into the theme. I spoke on "What it means to Shine" and Brandi spoke on "How to Shine". Then Lauren had Brother Preece speak to the girls and he talked to them about being a Shining example to their friends and helping to spread the gospel through their Shinning Examples.
Lauren showed another little video clip and then she spoke about her experience in Jerusalem when she studied abroad. She did an excellent job.


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