Well, tonight was the night! ..... I've been stewing about this activity for months now! I'm still very insecure about my position (I have BIG SHOES to fill) but with the help of my
ADVISERS and our
We had our
YOUNG WOMEN IN EXCELLENCE and it turned out so well!
We started preparing for this event several months ago. We had a combined activity and the Young Women made the invitations to send to their parents.

They also covered shoe boxes with decorative paper and made tissue flowers using the colors of each value.
I have to admit that I borrowed this idea from another Ward's Young Women in Excellence that I found on the INTERNET but I loved it and I'm sure they wouldn't mind! ............
"We Believe The Worth of a Soul (Sole) is Great in The Sight of The Lord"With the use of the word sole, we were able to expound! We made paper shoes with some goodies in them for each of the girls!

The Young Women went on a Temple Trek in May and several months later, Brother Stoddard took their pictures and
Photoshopped the words from the temple
"Holiness to the Lord" "The House of the Lord" "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints" onto the picture along side each Young Woman. We had them all bring their pictures and they were on display for the parents to see. Unfortunately, I only got a few of the pictures while we were setting up and forgot to take another picture after all the girls came and displayed theirs...... (
boo) BUT, you get the idea!
lolThe table was full!

You can see the tissue flowers the girls made. We put them up all over the room. It was very festive!

These are the decorated shoe boxes lined with tissue paper (again using the Young Women Value Colors) and then each girl placed her favorite pair of shoes in the box.

This is our replica of the temple and each piece represents a value. We put it together a piece at a time each month until it was completed with the Angel Moroni representing
Virtue. This is where we ultimately want our Young Women to end up!!

As the evening progressed we had Brother
Preece talk to the Young Women about where his shoes had taken him over the course of his life. He talked to them about the roll models he had and followed to get where he is today. He told the girls how important it is for them to listen to and respect their leaders. He talked about the importance of the scriptures and church attendance. He told them that if they did then their shoes would eventually lead them to the Temple.

After he finished, we had 1/2 of the girls each come up (one at a time) .... they picked up their box with their favorite pair of shoes and talked about where those shoes had taken them over this past year.
We them had
Breanna Edge sing
" FROM WHERE YOU STAND " By Jenny Phillips . It was beautiful! She has a magnificent voice and the words were so appropriate for our evening.
We then had the rest of the girls come and do the same. It was fun. The girls told of some Spiritual places their shoes had taken them as well as some fun places they've gone in their shoes.
The YOUNG MEN made us the refreshments! They made Ice Cream Pie and they served us wearing
White Shirts and
Black Pants! IT WAS TOTALLY COOL! It was a very nice evening and the Spirit was there!
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