It was class activities last night and the Laurel's had a
KICK OFF TO CHRISTMAS evening ........... We were to make paper ornaments and we sent Christmas cards to the 4 Elders serving from our Ward and we had a White Elephant gift exchange!

Below are the ornaments we made! I think they are darling and the girls enjoyed them and some even decided they would be cute to decorate their rooms with!

I had the pieces all cut out and ready to go .......................
(it's a good thing or we'd still be there! ) lol

Threading the ribbon through the needle was challenging for some of the girls! Look at how intently they are working!! lol

Kylie and Mandy kept us entertained!! They are so much fun! What personalities!

Some of the girls are done and you can see the ornaments on the floor! It always amazes me how the same ornaments can look so different when done by different people! Check out Mandy's! It's almost flat!

Ashlee is our newest Laurel and she was multitasking! Signing the Christmas cards to the Elders and finishing up her ornament!

I made them all pose with their ornaments when everyone was finished!
Ta Da!!
And then Mandy fell on the floor ! Funny girls!!

The gift exchange was fun! Kylie started it off .....

She was thrilled to get some socks but they quickly were stolen by another Laurel!

Ashlee's next and so on ......................

They are all so funny!! Check out that face!

She got a Momma Bear and a Baby bear! Awhhhhhhhh!

Mandy got a Memento dispenser and some lotion .... which was promptly stolen ....

Check out the lotions!

So she went for another gift ...... she kept saying
"This is ROCKS!" or did she say
"THIS ROCKS!" ??????
OH MY, She was right!! It was! or id did!! ................
But the funny thing was that there was a pair of socks in the package too and they had been a gift to Ashlee Nicholson from Mandy's grandmother! A re-gift and it went back to Mandy! lol
Since Kylie's socks were stolen she has to choose another!

She got an "Eye Spy" book! Yay! She was happy!

Or was she ????

Beth got a little coloring book and some crayons and Christine stole them so Beth got the socks from Maureen ...

Mo wasn't happy but Beth is awesome and she took two pair and gave the rest back to Mo.

All's well that ends well! It was a fun night and we got a lot accomplished!
The Mia Maids made stick horses for the Women's Shelter (wish I'd got pictures)
and the Beehives had a game night with the Elderly Widows in the ward and then had pie!
(wish I'd got pictures of them too!)
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