Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Tonight for Young Women's, we went to Walter's Ferry landing out past Melba and we had a Scavenger Hunt at Cloe's Nature path! It was a very interesting place and we had a blast!! After giving all the girls and leaders a list of things to look for and a bottle of water, I asked them to pose for a picture before we started!
Jacinda loves to have her picture taken (as a lot of them do) lol
We had a pretty good turnout ..... not as good as it should have been but not bad!!

Makayla, Samantha, McKenzie and Jacinda coming down from the little church at the top of the hill!
This place had a lot of religious themed items as well as a lot of fun things!! We had a great time exploring !
There were some places tucked back in shady areas with little creeks and bridges and tons and tons of statues, bird houses, fairies, gnomes etc ....

Cute little Samantha! She is such a sweetheart!

And then there's Megan!! What a little "JOKER" ...... I would love to get her to pose just
ONE TIME with a pretty smile!

Irie and Jacinda .... posing with a statue of the Virgin Mary and the baby Jesus!

And away we go up the hill to see what else we might find .....

Courtney, Jacinda, Irie and Megan posing with faces of the 7 deadly sins!!

Can you tell these 3 love to be in pictures!!

Ashlee, Kaylee and Sister Black walking along the trail. Ashlee and Kaylee look like they just saw something scary!

Kennedy and Chelsee decked out in sun rays!!

Megan and Irie sharing a teeter todder with a couple of little brass kids! The statues were phenomenal! There were so many of them! This place is amazing!!

These statues were getting married so Jacinda jumped in and said she was their child! lol

Beth taking a rest on Shakespeare's lap!! He looks like he's quite enjoying her company!

Mark Twain reads a story to Lindsey, Kaylee and Jacinda!!

Honest Ave is telling Irie how beautiful she is!!! He doesn't lie! She is so pretty!!

Megan is getting a little fresh with Einstein but better him than her boyfriend at the Stake Dance's!!

Kaylee give's Shakespeare a big hug while McKenzie looks on!!

Megan and Ben Franklin get a little chatty! This area of the path was such fun! The girls had a blast flirting with all these old men! lol

Ashlee giving Ben Franklin the old 3 Stooges poke in the eye!

Jacinda looks like she getting a little kiss from old Mark Twain!

Samantha and Makayla posing with Einstein. They could teach him a thing or two!! Both of them are really sharp girls!!

The path circles around by the Snake River so I was fortunate enough to get Irie and Megan in a shot by the water!! LOL, it wasn't hard to get pictures of these two.

Courtney thought the little stream was picture worthy so I told her I would take a picture of it BUT ONLY if she would pose beside it!
This is what I got! lol GIRLS!

There was a section with African animals in it!! This place is so awesome!!

Ashlee found a Unicorn ..... She obviously needs some riding lessons!! lol

When we got to the end of the trail, Brianna and her mother showed up! Brianna had Volleyball till late so her mother brought her out when she finished. It was so good to see her and she and her mother went through alone. (after we had treats of course)

Brianna and Sister Edge!! We love our awesome mother's who support our Young Women!!
Thank you Debbie!!

Sister Black and Sister Dickerson! They were a great help on the Adventure as well! We have Awesome Leaders in the 4th Ward!!

Kaylee, Beth and Ashlee posing at the Cross at the beginning of our end!

A BIG GRIN from Sammy and Makayla while Mckenzie checks to see if she got all the things checked off on her scavenger paper!

Sister Black helps the girls check to see id they got all the things listed on their papers! They all did super!

Ashlee with a BIG CHEESE!

Sister Spence and the girls at the end of the trek. The weather was beautiful and the girls were so much fun! It was a GREAT ACTIVITY!

Let's all get together for some goodies now!!

The Leaders all brought cookies so when the hike was finished we all had some refreshments and then a closing prayer.

Time to gather everyone together and head home!

The three cuties that rode with me all of a sudden became camera shy! lol

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