Wednesday, June 8, 2011


The Laurels just returned from Life today and the Priests just went up to Pie so for our activity tonight we combined the rest of the kids and had a volley ball game! They had a blast!!
We had a pretty good turnout and some girls brought a couple of friends so it was a successful evening. We had planned to go to Lions Park but it clouded up and we thought better of it.

Lindsey was dang good!!~ And Chelsee is just a kick at every activity!!

Ashlee was sucking helium from a balloon and talking so cute!!

Even some of the leaders got in on the action!

Sammy showing us her guns!!

Courtney serving while her team mates look on in anticipation!

Megan wanted some of that helium! They were having too much fun with all that!! I think we should get them all a helium balloon and have a "Helaman Party" ..... Make them read the B of M or something after sucking helium!! lol

When we left the church it was pouring rain! So glad we didn't go to the park. That was a wise call!

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