Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Tonight was the YM and YW combined activity! It didn't go down like I thought it would! For one thing, there were 35 to 40 kids there and so you can imagine the noise level! I found myself having to shout to give instructions for the game and it continued throughout the evening!
We had 4 teams. Two on each ends of the cultural hall. I had the advisers reading the questions and Kim and I kept score.
The kids were so noisy that they had trouble hearing the soft spoken advisor! They would blow up their balloon before they heard the question and so on.

I did manage to get some of the girls to pose for pictures.

I had these 3 when I taught Primary. They are good kids!

They played the game for less than 1/2 hour and then wanted to play Capture the Flag!
Fine with me ... it's their activity!
It took another 15 minutes or more to get everyone on the same page to get this game started. VERY HECTIC!!

I think they enjoyed themselves but of course there were some who didn't play, one girl took off her shoes and then ran and hit the accordion doors and the Bishop told her that her toe was broke.
FINALLY, 8:15 came and I had them say a closing prayer and gave them their treats! That was a hit but the game's (in my estimation) were NOT! Better luck planning next time!

1 comment:

  1. no worries mom- they're all just there to check out the boys and vice least if they were anything like me :0)
