Friday, March 16, 2012


Last night I had the Laurels and their Advisor (Sister Wendy Butterfield) over for a easy cooking class and then we went to a play that another Laurel was in at Nampa High.

1st we made
................ We used Pillsbury Crescent Rolls". The girls laid pepperoni and mozzarella cheese on the crescents and rolled then up to bake.

They were ooey gooey GOOD!!!

I gave them each a little bowl of Marinara sauce to dip in!

I only had 5 girls come and should have had at least 3 more but they had excuses!!

Ashlee, Beth and Maureen ......

Mo, Callie and Irie ..........

Beth and Wendy behind her ..... (Check out the eyes!! lol)

We filled up on Pizza rolls and no bake oatmeal cookies and then headed out for Nampa High.
The play was Shakespeare's
"MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING" .............. All that proper ENGLISH was hard to follow but we had a good time and Breanne really appreciated that we came to watch her!!
It was a fun evening!! AND they were able to pass off a couple of VALUE'S in Personal Progress!! WIN WIN!!

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