Wednesday, January 4, 2012


It's the 1st activity for 2012!! The boys were in charge and they planned to have a snow activity this coming Saturday but alas .... we have NO SNOW!!
(I was actually kinda glad because I hate snow activities! :)
Anyways, we all met at the church and Brother Adamson came with a bag full of fun things to do!
1ST off we played a form of " Musical Chairs" ........ They lined up several chairs on both sides of the gym and then when Bro. Adamson said GO, they rushed to the opposite side in hopes of securing a chair. The one left standing was out. Then a chair from each side was taken away and they did it again till only one was left!
Remarkably, a girl WON!

The 2nd was a "SNOWBALL FIGHT" with homemade snowballs!!
(He filled a big ole black bag with balls made from paper) and the kids had a great time!!

At one point the kids al
l ATTACKED THE BISHOP! The Bishop was way cool with it!! He was having a GREAT time as well!!

They then set up the volleyball net and played volleyball with a
The kids had a fun evening and a good time!!

Can you tell!

Here Ashlee is serving using her best dance moves!

Can you say CHEESE? Ashlee can!!

So can Chelsee and Kennedy!

After the activities were done, we had pie and ice cream!


Chelsee on the left, Sister Raass and a funny Samantha and the Mckenzie!

And Brother Adamson .... I think he was trying to put "Rabbit Ears" on Brother Boster, .......or was it the "PEACE SIGN" ...... lol

Whatever it was, Brother Butterfield did the same to his sister, Callie!

It was a great activity night. This year is off to a great start!!

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