Thursday, July 28, 2011

Priest/Laurel Activity

Last night the Beehives and Mia Maids went swimming at the Bostroms home. The Laurels got together with the Priests and had an activity at Lake Lowell. The Priests were in charge. We met at the Lake at 6PM.

The Laurels set up a volley ball net and they enjoyed playing some games while hamburgers were cooking!
Mo (Maureen) brought her friend Vickie and they were quite the pair!
They found a Mulberry Tree and enjoyed eating them but I think the BIG THRILL was dying their teeth, hands and.............................................
FEET !! LOL Her mother probably wants to shoot me!
Brother Adamson ran the BBQ and we had burgers, chips, pop and all the fixings! Mmmmmm!
Isaiah going up for a catch! I mean a hit...... Not sure what he did!
It was a small group! 3 Laurels and 3 Priests! But they had fun!!
Michael and Ben took a dip before we boated!
Brother Adamson blowing up the tube..........
And away we go! Michael was our flag man on this set of girls. Maureen and Vickie out on the tube!
Vickie got dumped and Mo hung on! (that prayer must have helped!)
Vickie looking like a drowned rat! lol
The next to go was Teralin and Shelbee!! The had a tremendous ride but Brother Adamson was bound and determined to shake them .......and as you can see, HE DID!!!
But they were down with it! lol
Next we have Michael and Mo!
They hung on and never got dumped! Way to go! I actually think they had a little easier ride than Shelbee and Teralin!
Brother Adamson getting Michael and Ben situated and ready to go!
It was a fun ride and Ben loved it!
We didn't go to fast for this one cuz Ben's life jacket didn't fit well and we didn't want to take a chance!
Looks like Michael's didn't fit well either! lol

It was getting late so we needed to be heading in. We finished at almost 9PM. The kids had a fun time ! Wish we would have had a better turnout! Maybe next time!

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