Saturday, February 5, 2011


The Bishop asked if he could come to my home just before Christmas 2010 so he could talk to my husband via the SKYPE. I thought he wanted to wish Tony a Merry Christmas so I literally had to pick my chin up off the floor when he asked my husband if he would support me as the Young Women President of the 4th Ward. Of course my dear husband said yes and due to the fact that he is working in Iraq, the Bishop said that they wouldn't sustain me till Tony was home on R&R in January 2011. It gave me several weeks to contemplate my new assignment and to do some reading, studying and praying about the BIG responsibility I would soon be undertaking.
I was sustained to the position by Bishop Glattlie on Sunday, January 22nd and my husband was able to participate in the sustaining and the setting apart!
I am so grateful to be in this position. I am excited to work on my Personal Progress along with the Young Women in our ward! I will try my best to be a good example to the girls and to encourage them to work on receiving their Young Women Recognition and to become more familiar with their Savior, Jesus Christ.


  1. That is a big calling! Best of luck- I KNOW you will do a great job and all the girls are going to fall in love with you!

  2. Awhhhhh, thanks Heather! I just hope I can fulfill the BIG shoes! If you have any great ideas, feel free to share them with me!! I need all the help I can get!
